The ZPoint Process: The One-Word Prayer You can use Anywhere!

The following article was written by Pete Koerner, author of the phenomenal new book The Belief Formula. I recently visited Pete and his wife Jennifer in their home in St. Mary’s Georgia. I’ve read the book at it is completely in alignment with ZPoint. I can recommend it highly if you wish a better understanding of the Manifestation Process and how to get what you really want from your life.

Today Pete writes about ZPoint and I’m sure you’ll appreciate his unique perspective.


Recently, in response to an article I had written on Forgiveness, I was contacted by a person who said, “Physiologically, the brain can’t forget; I’d like to forgive, but how can I forget what was done to a young child? How can I forget that trauma when I am alone at night in the dark…?” This person’s prayer was to forgive and forget the past; but they didn’t know how to release the thoughts that kept them stuck in the past.

The brain and body do indeed operate much like a computer — remembering and storing everything that happens to you. The brain seems to act like the central processor; while the rest of the body serves to store memories, input and output information, transmit electrical signals and commands, and execute, or perform, the programs sent by the brain. When everything is working smoothly, information is gathered, experienced, processed, assimilated, and released; but when we experience trauma, we can sometimes get stuck in a memory-loop that affects us much like a computer virus affects a computer — slowing it down, making some operations impossible, and shortening the life of the computer.

Consider that a computer virus that causes pop-ups is a program stored in your computer’s memory — a program which can be activated remotely (by outside influence), triggered locally by actions you don’t know will trigger it, or which turns itself on automatically according to a schedule. An alarm clock ringing at 6:00am is another example of a behavior that engages automatically at a pre-determined, or pre-programmed, time.

The problems with pop-up viruses and alarm clocks is that they keep you from doing what you want to do in a somewhat annoying way. But, in both cases, we understand why the unwanted behavior is happening; and we know how to stop the behavior, or change it — and it is up to us to take the necessary action to produce the conditions we desire. In the case of a computer, we can simply hit the “Delete” key, or the “Escape” key; with an alarm clock, we can hit the “Snooze” button and go back to sleep.

But what about humans? Do we have an “Escape” key? Can we be programmed to “turn on and off?” What about our thoughts? In case you’ve never tried this before, you can tell yourself prior to going to sleep at night that you will sleep the appropriate number of hours and wake up at 6:00am, for example; and your body will do it. You can tell yourself to “Hold on!”; and your body will do it. What if you told yourself, “Let go…”? Humans do respond to programming and commands they are given; in fact, that’s practically all we do. When we pray, we may be asking God to create new conditions for us; but there is often at least one practical step we must take — there is something different we must tell ourselves to do, a “button” we must push, or a command we must issue. As they say, “God helps those who help themselves;” if your prayer was for a few more minutes of sleep, God’s given you a way — but it’s up to you to push the snooze button.

Grant Connolly, creator of the Z-Point Personal Peace Program, has developed a simple process by which we can use a single “Key Word” to stimulate, or encourage, the mind to release its grip on a predetermined set of “problem thoughts,” or worries, fears, etc… I sometimes call the Z-Point Process, “The One-Word Prayer;” because, just like a computer or alarm clock, your brain and nervous system can be programmed, or conditioned, to relax and let-go when you decide you want to relax and let-go — and say “the magic word.”

Based on ancient wisdom teachings and principles (”As a man thinketh…”), ancient healing principles, and the latest breakthroughs in modern medicine and science, the Z-Point Personal Peace Program offers a quick and graceful way to release the past so you can embrace the present and reach for the stars. Within the past decade, science and medicine have uncovered the psychological (thoughts), neuro-electrical (neurotransmitters/nervous signals), chemical (hormones), and physiological (cell behavior) pathway between what we “thinketh,” and what is “done unto us.” All branches of medicine and psychology deal with human problems at some point along this continuum; and now they know why.

The Z-Point Personal Peace Program helps you teach your body to let-go of painful or limiting thoughts, beliefs, or emotions, by utilizing the age-old concept of “Ask and Receive.” If you ask your mind to do something for you, it will; and if you agree that it will do that each time you use the “magic word,” it will respond — and the response will become more and more automatic over time. We often use the term, “magic word,” in reference to magic tricks and words such as, “Abracadabra,” or when teaching children to express gratitude and respect by saying, “Please and thank you.” But “activating words” are common throughout life.

Races don’t begin until someone says, “Go;” and guns and whistles are used to create the audible signal to begin many sporting activities. The entire Universe, depending on who you ask, was started by a single word or sound (BANG!); there is untold power in a single word. But, in order for the word to produce the desired effect, we must know in our minds what we are supposed to do when we “get the word.” The Z-Point Personal Peace Program is an amazingly simple and powerful technique for creating change with a word. The Z-Point Process provides a framework for removing obstacles and limiting beliefs on cue, so you can get on with living the life you want to live. Like saying, “Amen,” at the end of a prayer to ensure it is delivered and answered, the Z-Point key word, or cue word — which is a unique word chosen by each individual — sets the mind into action releasing the highlighted obstacles to health, happiness, peace, and success.

Because the Z-Point release process is activated by a single-word, it doesn’t involve laying down, relaxing, or using acupressure points. The Z-Point Process, in other words, can be used anywhere; and, since the point of using a key word is to stimulate a response in the mind, you don’t even have to say the word out loud. Like a silent prayer, you can go through the Z-Point Process quickly and silently — and nobody has to know you are doing anything.

Many people have used the Z-point Process to attain emotional freedom and emotional self-management. Countless people have overcome difficulties at work, at home, in their relationships, and with their health — including overcoming fears, phobias, habits, and other problems — by using Z-Point. And it’s as simple as putting your attention on the change you wish to create and repeating the key word you have remembered to use as the “Go” signal to let-go of the past and step into the future.

Though hundreds of physicians, psychologists, and other healthcare providers all over the world are using the Z-Point Process, anyone can quickly and easily learn this simple, yet profound technique for removing obstacles and realizing dreams. You can learn to eliminate obstacles and find peace with the Z-Point Process. For more information on The Z-Point Personal Peace Program, simply click any of the highlighted links to go to: .

9 thoughts on “The ZPoint Process: The One-Word Prayer You can use Anywhere!”

  1. As an Christian author interested in the well-being of others as well as yourself, I appreciated how you took your information and tied it into similar Biblical practices for a whole person point-of-view. Very well done. Thanks!


  2. Hellow Grant,

    I use the affirmation questions frequently and wilth impressive result. == Am looking for the possibly related post called: How I became a famous novelist. Where can I find it? – Thank for everything you do.




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